EIGHTY!!!! i love eighty four eighty five like my life depends on it.

i discovered her music in february of 2022, with hangar, and then slowly got into the rest of her discography over the next 2 months. i first listened to plague town, which grew on me very quickly (with the exception of purgatory, which took much longer..). when i first listened to 1:15, i thought it was incredibly cringy and i turned it off after the first 30 seconds, but then it became one of my favourite songs a few months later.

I am the top 8485 listener on last fm, and run archive drive of her live shows. i had to miss her tour in 2022, and i am still mad about it. essentially, i was in texas the day of her colorado show, and in colorado the day of her texas show! they were only one day apart, and i was in the wrong place for both of them!!!! luckily, the dallas concert has a very high quality recording so i could at least watch that, but i am sooo sad i had to miss the real thing. at least my dad managed to snag a concert shirt before the site got taken down, which is now a staple of my closet!

eightys lyrics feel so especially tailored to me sometimes, like they describe extremely specific moments and feelings in my life that no other artist has managed to capture so accurate to my experience. one thing she brings up in many songs (i want the song 2 never end, skinz, duress, ctrl) is wanting to run away and escape, and knowing its illogical & wont help anything, and i have never so deeply related to a theme more than that. every few months like clockwork i plan great escapades to escape the life i currently have, i deactivate my social media, i save money to spend on my 'new' life, and it never comes to fruition, as i realize that my life cannot be abandoned in this state. another thing that comes up often in her songs (seer, duress) is not wanting to be percieved by others, and feeling so deeply judged, especially by people close to her and by god!!! me!!!!!!

Eighty is so inspirational to me and SO GORGEOUS!!! Her fashion is so <3 < 3<3 I want to dress like her soo bad. She's influenced some of my personal style like my affinity for maxi skirts and more neutral colours. She started making music around the end of highschool and got so good so fast and she is just so lovely to me. She is so kind online and so caring and I really wish the best for her, and for her music to get even more out there!! Eighty is SO talented and I've gotten so many people into her who never expected to like those genres of music. Her range is incredible in the genres she can do. I love her work so much.