My favourite are ornithischians - the cool plated dinosaurs, like parasaurolophus, stegosaurus, and ankylosaurus. I don't care for carnivores as much, but some silly ones catch my attention..

Parasaurolophus are my absolute favourite - I think their faces are so so cute. Modern animals skulls are so boring compared to las creaturas of the past.. I love how peaceful they must have been, very beautiful to observe and would flee if threatened. They remind me of buffalo almost, although those are much more aggressive. Who knows, maybe paras were more aggressive than we hypothesize.. I made my dinosona a para because I enjoy drawing their headshape so much. Although its most enjoyable from the side, the front view is also so fun - Just a round little guy with a bump at the back of his head.

Dinosaurs mystery is both awesome and terrible to me... I love being able to keep up with the new discoveries - its exciting to see what new things they find, or what old things they've discovered were false. I think its incredible what things we can determine from fossils and even non-fossils that give hints as to their life styles... But at the same time. You know. Id love to know exactly whats going on with them! Their colours & patterns especially I'm curious.. Theres some way colour can be preserved, but it seems we'll never ever get to know for most of them! Quite sad!

One thing I think about a lot is how we could be completely wrong about our interpretations of them. There are some animals thats skeleton look NOTHING like the real animal, theres definitely some dinosaurs that are similar. Or maybe not? Dinosaurs designs seem pretty primative, what-you-see-is-what-you-get type deal..... Their plates and such especially seem like they could cause some confusion. The animals of today don't have those same features and I wonder if we're intepreting them differently.

I am very sad we have very little fossil record of the mountainous creatures... Its just so hard for things to fossilize in those conditions, its all lost!!!! I AM SO SAD!!!!! I am a mountainous person, born and raised in em, and I wanna know what dinosaurs were here!!! Especially since they were likely warmblooded, unlike coldblooded reptiles, they HAD to have been here. WHERW ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! COME TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my dinosaur plushies ^_^

places to learn about dinosaurs:

random university course overview - lots of helpful photos
major species overview
awesome yt channel with lots of prehistoric topics