June 25, 2023
i have been in DC for 4 days! i am typing this at mae's grandmas house in the room that used to be his uncles. i learned that the family suspects hes gay, because he is 40 & unmarried. but alas.. the family business is not as interesting to me as if it was my own. i have been thinking recently that im very drama-minded and gossip a lot, because i love telling other people the information of my other friends, but i dont think i am.. random family drama and online videos dont interest me, its really just the close people in my life.

DC has been good, we've done a lot of stuff so far.. Pride was very fun, I'd love to go to pride again. i loved all the little kids running up to me & mae, oftentimes nonsensically screaming or laughing, or going "puppy"!! i hope celosia is finished in time for denfur, but i wont get my hopes up since mae is so busy & i dont want to pressure him.

I decided against the read more on the blog page, in favor of having a whole other page for each blog. I think it'll be better for this anyways! i imagine i'll be posting some preeeeetty long posts here. i obviously havent had the time to work on this, but im a little distraught on how else to upload this place. i dont want the white background, but a lot of the gifs i want to use either have a white background or are badly made transparent (& have white pixel reminents), so its the most convenient way. so far, only the home page, about, & blog section have text, but i should add some other stuff soon. the shrine section would be fairly easy, since its just stuff i love. thats all for site updates though.

idk how much personal stuff i should write here! how much should i spill! will anyone even read this? probably not, realistically, unless they stumble upon it. ive only posted the link in sgarg & on my privtwt w/ 10 people on it. i wonder if itll show up on google since the name is a species of a gecko, and someone will go "what is this" and move on. anyways, whenever i look at cece im just like damn i am going to have sex with them that is soooooo crazy. in a few days lol.